Browsing Archive: May, 2011

FAT LOSS IS WAR!! And the Dark side is the fuel

Posted by Ignatius on Wednesday, May 4, 2011, In : Mental performance 


I have been working in the fitness industry for the past 16 years and have worked with thousands of people who want to lose weight and become more energetic or healthy.

The one thing that always puzzled me is that a lot of people that I worked with knew exactly what they shouldn’t do and kept on doing exactly what they shouldn’t. Even when it came to my own training and eating habits and I am the “EXPERT”  and I couldn...

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5 Components for explosive power development

Posted by Ignatius on Monday, May 2, 2011, In : Strength 

Why do the same exercise routines cause greater or smaller effects in different athletes? Why is it that if an athlete were to copy a training routine of a famous athlete it will not create the same result for him/her as what it did for that famous athlete?

The secret is that one should only use the general underlying ideas of these programs and employ it in the correct manner for a specific athlete because not all athletes have the same physical development of the components below and this ...

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