Rate of force development...
Posted by Ignatius Naat Loubser on Monday, September 16, 2013,
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It seems for the past few years a “new” approach is being used by S&C coaches in that they claim the feet on the athletes body is the ALPHA & OMEGA. For the one reason being that it is the only point of contact the athlete has with the ground or athletic surface. I have decided to call these guys “The Foot clan” the original definition or origin of the foot clan is below:
“The Foot Clan is a fictional ninjutsu clan in the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles comics and all related medi...
In the world of strength & conditioning a lot of the S&C coaches out there uses the phrase "rate of force development" or for this text "RFD", because this is allegedly most important component that has to be improved in sport performance. Firstly let’s start with what is RFD?
It has been defined as the rate of rise of contractile force at the beginning of a muscle action (Aagaard et al., 2002). It has also been said that RFD is shown in the short and long components of the stretch shor...
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