The Grand Kai Master's Hall of fame is for the selected few of ignatius clients that have proven themselves worthy of the highest recognition in their sport or by conquering the "Deliverance" program in the gym.
There are 4 ways to get into the Grand Kai Master's Hall of fame and it is as follows:
1. Compete at the Olympic games (OG)
2. Break a world record in your sport (WR)
3. Winning world championships in your sport (WC)
4. Completing the "Deliverance" program in the gym in 20 minutes or less with correct technique.
2008-2012 Cameron Vd Burgh (OGx2 OG Gold, x13 WR, WC)
2012 Matthew Britain, Lawrence Ndlovu, John Smith, James Thompson
(OG,OG Gold)
2009-2012 Caster Seymenya (WC, OG, OG Silver)
2012 Bridgitte Hartley ( OG, OG Bronze)
2004-2008 Edith Ottermann (WR, WC, "Deliverance" 19 minutes)
2004-2008 Gerhard Zandberg (WC, OG, "Deliverance" 18 minutes)
2008-2009 Godfrey Khotso Mokoena (WC, OG Silver)
2009 Sven Grant (WC Muay Thai)
2003-2009 Roland Schoeman (OG, WC, WR)
2008 LJ Van Zyl (OG)
2001-2003 Morne Nagel (WC)
2004-2008 Geraldine Pillay (OG)
2004-2005 Llewellyn Herbert (WC, OG)
2008 Alain Mansuy ("Deliverance" 19 minutes)
2008 Riana Du Plessis ("Deliverance" 20 minutes)