While care is taken to ensure the accuracy of information presented in www.ignatius.co.za no responsibility can be accepted for the consequences of action taken based on any information, opinions or advice contained herein.By reading and or entering the site www.ignatius.co.za you undertake that you are of sound physical and mental health and that you do not suffer from any life threatening condition or defect. Before doing any physical activity and or following any advice or information you acknowledge that you have had a complete medical examination within the
last three months and has been declared fit to undergo physical training.
Ignatius or any employee or consultant cannot be held responsible for any injury sustained, physical or
otherwise during training or following of any advice or guidelines. You assume full responsibility for your
physical well being during training.
At Ignatius we assume full responsibility for ourselves in our belief that we are responsible for our own thoughts, emotions, feelings, words and actions. We suggest that you do the same.